Every character who begins play with one of the five schools of magic in their skill sets, also begins with knowledge of one or more spells. Pick one spell from the following lists for every instance of that spell's governing school in your skill sets. I need to rewrite this for sure.
Also listed on these tables is the cost of a Spell Tome, from which any character may learn the spell. Spell Tomes may be found in the inventories of stores and merchants all across Tamriel, and sometimes, ancient versions of these may be found in the dungeons and ruins that dot the landscape.
To learn a spell from a Spell Tome, roll an appropriate Cliché (or inappropriate if you don't have one) against the Spell's Difficulty. If successful, your character understands enough of what she's reading to be able to study the Tome. You must devote at least one day per level of the spell, after which you may make another Cliché roll. If successful, you may add the spell to your spell list and cast it at will. If not, you must study the Tome again for as many days as the spell has levels. You may add an additional 1d6 to your Cliché roll to learn a spell for every day beyond the mandatory you spend in study.
Candlight [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 44
- Creates a hovering light that remains by the caster's side and lasts for 10 rounds per rank.
- Tome Cost: 44
- Improves the caster's armor rating, granting +1 Armor per rank.
Magelight [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 87
- Ball of light that lasts 10 rounds per rank and sticks where it strikes.
Stoneflesh [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 95
- Improves the caster's armor rating, granting 1d6 Armor +1 per rank.
Detect Life [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 332
- Nearby living creatures, but not undead, constructs or daedra can be seen through walls.
Ironflesh [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 341
- Improves the caster's armor rating, granting 2d6 Armor +1 per rank.
Mark [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 336
- Mark a location to allow you to teleport to it at a later time.
Telekinesis [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 326
- Manipulate objects as though you were holding them, from up to 5 feet away per rank.
Transmute [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 200
- Transmute one piece of unrefined Iron Ore to Silver or Gold.
Waterbreathing [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 340
- Allows the caster to breathe water for 5 rounds per rank.
Detect Undead [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 600
- Nearby undead can be seen through walls.
Ebonyflesh [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 650
- Improves the caster's armor rating, granting 3d6 Armor +1 per rank.
Paralyze [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 685
- Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 rounds per rank.
Dragonhide [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1389
- Caster ignores damage equal to his casting rank for 1 round per rank.
Mass Paralysis [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1280
- All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 1 round per rank.
Bound Sword [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 49
- Creates a magic sword that remains for 1 hour per rank. A Bound sword does damage equal to your casting rank.
Conjure Familiar [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 49
- Summons a Familiar of the caster's choosing wherever the caster is pointing. The familiar remains for 1 hour per rank. The familiar has Cliché dice equal to your rank.
- Familiar: Athletics, Bite, Unarmed.
Raise Zombie [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 49
- Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds per rank. The Zombie has Cliché dice equal to your casting rank.
Bound Battleaxe [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 99
- Creates a magic battleaxe that remains for 1 hour per casting rank, and deals 1d6 damage +1 per rank.
Conjure Flame Atronach [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 99
- Summons a Flame Atronach for 1 hour per rank, wherever the caster is pointing. A Flame Atronach has two Clichés, Flame Atronach equal to your casting rank and Daedra equal to your casting rank -1.
- Flame Atronach: Resist Fire, Destruction, Unarmed, Waterwalking, Flamecloak*.
- *Flamecloak: Any creature or character damaging a Flame Atronach takes equal Fire Damage.
- Daedra: Destruction, Resist Paralysis, Unarmed.
Flaming Familiar [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 250
- Summons a familiar that possesses the Flamecloak ability, and that can explode on command, dealing your casting rank in fire damage to every creature and character in the area.
Reanimate Corpse [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 99
- Reanimate a more powerful undead body to fight for you for 10 rounds per rank. The Zombie has two Clichés, Zombie equal to your casting rank and Warrior equal to your casting rank -1.
Soul Trap [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 100
- If the target dies within 1 round per casting rank, it fills a soul gem.
Banish Daedra [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 346
- Roll against a summoned daedra. If you win, the daedra is banished back to Oblivion.
Bound Bow [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 335
- Creates a magic bow that remains for 1 hour per casting rank and deals 1d6 damage +1 per rank.
Conjure Frost Atronach [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 347
- Summons a Frost Atronach for 1 hour per rank, wherever the caster is pointing. A Frost Atronach has two Clichés, Frost Atronach at your casting rank +1 and Daedra at your casting rank.
- Frost Atronach: Destruction, Resist Frost, Frost Cloak, Unarmed, Waterbreathing.
- Daedra: Destruction, Resist Paralysis, Unarmed.
Revenant [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 340
- Reanimates a powerful dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds per rank. A Revenant has the Zombie Cliché at your casting rank and one Cliché it had in life, though at a maximum rank equal to your casting rank.
Command Daedra [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 660
- Roll your casting rank against any summoned or raised creatures in the area. If you win, they fall under your control for the remainder of their summoning.
Conjure Dremora Lord [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 730
- Summons a Dremora Lord for 1 hour per casting rank. A Dremora Lord has three Clichés, Dremora and Daedra equal to your casting rank, and Churl equal to your casting rank -1.
- Dremora: Two-Handed, Block, Heavy Armor, Speech, Unarmed.
- Daedra: Destruction, Resist Paralysis, Unarmed.
- Churl: Alteration, Destruction.
Conjure Storm Atronach [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 690
- Summons a Storm Atronach for 1 hour per rank. A Storm Atronach has two Clichés, Storm Atronach and Daedra, both at your casting rank.
- Storm Atronach: Resist Shock, Destruction, Storm Cloak, Unarmed, Waterwalk.
- Daedra: Destruction, Resist Paralysis, Unarmed.
Dread Zombie [Expert - 4]
- Tome Cost: 630
- Reanimates a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds per rank. A Dread Zombie has two Clichés, Revenant at your casting rank and Dread Zombie at your rank -1, plus any one Cliché it had in life (no higher rank than your casting rank).
Expel Daedra [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1270
- Roll Conjuration. Total equals the number of Daedra banished back to Oblivion (no resistance).
Flame Thrall [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1260
- Permanently summons a Flame Atronach to serve you. May only command one Thrall at a time. All other summoned Thralls are Unbound.
Dead Thrall [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1270
- Reanimate one Dread Zombie to permanently fight for you. May only command one Thrall at a time. All other summoned Thralls are Unbound.
Frost Thrall [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1300
- Permanently summons a Frost Atronach to serve you. May only command one Thrall at a time. All other summoned Thralls are Unbound.
Storm Thrall [Master - 5]
- Tome Cost: 1350
- Permanently summons a Storm Atronach to serve you. May only command one Thrall at a time. All other summoned Thralls are Unbound.
Flames [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 50
- A gout of flame that does 1 fire damage per casting rank. Target catches fire, taking additional damage for 1 round per casting rank.
Frostbite [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 47
- A blast of cold that does 1 frost damage per casting rank and inflicts 1 Fatigue.
Sparks [Novice - 1]
- Tome Cost: 46
- Lightning that does 1 shock damage per casting rank and stuns for 1 round.
Fire Rune [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 90
- Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 1d6 fire damage per caster rank, when Hostile or Unfriendly targets come near. Targets are set on fire and suffer 1 fire damage per round per casting rank.
Fire Bolt [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 96
- A blast of fire that does 1d6 fire damage +1 per casting rank. Target is set on fire and takes 1 fire damage per round per casting rank.
Frost Rune [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 92
- Cast on nearby surface, it explodes for 1d6 frost damage per caster rank, when Hostile or Unfriendly targets come near. Targets suffer 1 Fatigue.
Ice Spike [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 96
- A spike of ice that does 1d6 cold damage +1 per casting rank and inflicts 1 Fatigue.
Lightning Bolt [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 95
- A bolt of lightning that deals 1d6 shock damage to Health +1 per casting rank, and stuns the target for 1 round per casting rank.
Lightning Rune [Apprentice - 2]
- Tome Cost: 93
- Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 1d6 shock damage per casting rank, when Hostile or Unfriendly targets come near. Targets are stunned for 1 round per casting rank.
Chain Lightning [Adept - 3]
- Tome Cost: 390
- Lightning bolt that does 1d6 shock damage +1 per casting level, then leaps to a new target. Affects one target per casting level and stuns targets for 1 round per casting level.